Waacking/Punking - Where To Dance
Where To Dance

Dance Style - Waacking Punking

Waacking/Punking: A Vivid Expression of Dance and Culture

Waacking, also known as Punking, is a vibrant and expressive dance style that emerged in the LGBTQ+ clubs of Los Angeles during the 1970s. Characterized by its flamboyant arm movements and poses, this style is deeply rooted in self-expression, music, and the disco era.

Origins and Evolution

Waacking originated in the underground gay clubs of Los Angeles, a response to the social and political climate of the time. It was a form of escape and expression, particularly for the LGBTQ+ community, and quickly became intertwined with the disco movement.

Key Elements

  • Arm Movements: Rapid, intricate arm movements that are often synchronized with the music.
  • Posing and Attitude: Dramatic poses and a bold attitude are central to Waacking, often influenced by fashion and cinema.
  • Music and Rhythm: Typically performed to disco music, Waacking emphasizes musicality and rhythm.

Cultural Impact

Waacking/Punking is more than just a dance style; it's a cultural statement that embodies freedom, identity, and the history of a marginalized community. It's a celebration of individuality and resilience.

Contemporary Scene

Today, Waacking has gained international recognition, celebrating diversity and inclusivity. It's a staple in dance battles and competitions, and continues to evolve while staying true to its roots.